Color Re-evolution is unleashing the potential of natural color in the context of ecology

Where does your color come from?

Step 1: Know Color Re-evolution

  • What?

    Color Re-evolution is not a revolution per se. It is a movement to re-evolve with natural color today. To find the balance with our ecology and hence our lives.

  • Who?

    All are welcome to join this evolution.

    Color re-evolution is a movement initiated and nurtured by ColorAshram Foundation.

  • How ?

    All you need is a curious and inquisitive mind to learn and endorse. And you must be ready to take any action to experience natural color for yourself. Click below to know-how.

  • Why ?

    For the intrinsic pleasure of mindfulness.

    Mindful is to simply notice new things about something. Here it is about ‘color’

“This is not a war against synthetic colors, but rather about having access to feasible and sustainable alternatives. Currently, the market is dominated with synthetic dyes - but you can help us make natural dyes more accessible by being a part of our movement”

Step2: Choose your Role

  • Curious Evolver

    I am ready to explore what is natural color, its impact on ecology and share it with others. I will endorse and contribute to the Re-evolution by using natural dye products.

  • Determined Leader

    I am ready to evolve. I want to adopt natural color application in my work and play. I can be a leader who shows the way by doing.

“The real roadblock to having natural dyes as a sustainable alternative is not technology, but rather the ignorance of consumers today. Innovation follows need, and currently - most people don't even know why they need natural and sustainable dyes”

Step 3: Become a Human Bridge

Human Bridges are people who volunteer to a relationship with Color Re-evolution in an active way. The heart of the Color re-evolution movement is to help make people more aware of the inherent unsustainability of chemical dyes, and how natural dyes can help deal with these issues by providing a safer, cleaner, environment-friendly alternative.