Natural Dyeing by Extraction Process-Diy Kit, Online, Offline levels

from ₹1,200.00

This workshop is all about learning to make your own dyes, mordanting, shade variations, and dyeing fabric. To know more, watch our YouTube Video

DIY KIT: Beginner Level- This can be done by a DIY kit with illustrated manual, a video tutorial, and a hands-on exercise to extract dyes from some dried plant sources, make mordant baths from a plant and mineral source, and dye on fabrics.

ONLINE: Intermediate Level-This is an online workshop (3 sessions:up to 40 minutes each) that once purchased, can be scheduled according to your time and mutual convenience. It covers guided lessons to prepare a bigger piece of fabric, mordant and dye it, mix mordanting methods, and combine herbs to get stable colors and journal the results. It does not include indigo. You have to buy materials by your own choice from our ColorShop

Items you will need are: Raw sources of dye like dried pomegranate peels, onion peels, marigold flowers or flame of forest flowers, dried madder roots, Mordants like salt of potash alum, iron rust or ferrous sulphate crystals, Hartaki powder- optional, some vessels to boil, strainer fabric or strainer, measuring scale for 1gm and above, liquid detergent, masking tape and marker pen, powerful mixer or grinder, some powder detergent and if possible, dried woodflower.

OFFLINE: Advanced Level-This is more customized to your needs and conducted at our center in ColorAshram as an offline workshop (3 days, 2 hours each day) It is good for people who want to make their own dyes and learn the process of fabric preparation, dyeing, and curing.pIt also stretches to identifying and extracting colors from any source you find in your kitchen or garden and testing if they can be used as a dye. All materials are provided at the workshop.

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Natural dyeing is a lot like cooking and combining ingredients in the right proportion is the key to it. We can only get you started, the journey is yours to discover and find your own magic recipe. It is also a lot about practice and experience. However we are here for you, once you begin.