Wood Painting with Natural Colors-Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Levels

from ₹1,200.00

Beginner Level: This is for anyone who wants to paint on wood with natural colors made from plants and minerals. We would send our DIY kit with instructions on how to prepare a wood piece, how to paint with our colors, blend, store, what are ingredients of the color, how to polish after painting, and a video tutorial to guide you. Comes in a pack of 5 colors, sandpaper, and natural wax-based polish.

Intermediate Level: This is an online training consisting of 3 sessions, with the last one a feedback session. In this, you can discuss how you can use these colors for production-level work, more methods of polishing, and texturing techniques, if there is any research needed, we would be happy to do so. And basically, we try to devise a custom solution for you.

Advanced Level: This is for furniture makers or carpenters and will involve a collaboration between both entities to use it commercially and develop more shades or qualities as needed. Fee is not included, it will be on mutual terms of collaboration.

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